Want to know how to use AI ethically to simplify the quiz building process (and lots more)?

Are you worried that your AI-created quiz will be bland and boring?

Then it's time to join the AI to Quiz Workshop.

This 90-minute video training will help you take your ChatGPT quiz output from meh to better than you imagined.

Brittany Roberts, Travel Content Creator

I will take you through the quiz-building process and point out areas where you can use AI tools to make things easier or faster.

From generating ideas to quiz questions to results summaries, you’ll learn the best ways to use AI in your quiz building.

You’ll get a hands-on demonstration of how to use ChatGPT to generate quiz content quickly and easily, and learn where it’s best to step away from AI to create a unique quiz that resonates with your audience.

And in the second half of the workshop, you'll be able to see how others shared about their own businesses and I helped them create quiz content specifically for their own niche!

Just $47

Now with new bonus quiz platform walkthrough videos!

The AI to Quiz Workshop ran live on May 9th, 2023. You'll be getting access to the 90-minute replay and all of the prompts and AI generations from the workshop.

"This is so much fun! I've used ChatGPT a lot but never asked it to write a quiz."

Ann Ljungberg
Workshop Attendee

You'll walk away knowing and getting all of this:

• What a quiz will do for your business

• Where in the quiz building process AI will help

• Where in the process using an AI will hurt your quiz

• Awesome prompts to create the best quiz ideas and content

• All of the follow-up prompts for refining what ChatGPT gives you

• All of the AI content created during the workshop in a Google Doc for your reference

Hi, I'm Katie Hart.

I’ve loved quizzes as long as I can remember! I’ll admit there were more than a few quiz results posted on my MySpace page 15 years ago, and I was fascinated by the structure behind them. In addition to quiz strategy, I bring nearly two decades’ worth of personality study (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and more) to help you get to know potential clients and customers at a deeper level through your quiz. Let me show you how to amplify your business using quizzes and AI!

What you'll get:

Access to the replay from the live training on May 9th, 2023

Lifetime access

Quiz prompts to get the best output

Access to the entire ChatGPT conversation from the live workshop - extra prompts, refinements, & outputs

Bonus walkthrough video of 3 popular quiz platforms

2 bonus videos walking through new AI additions to 2 quiz platforms

What you won't get:

Step-by-step instructions on how to build a quiz (I'll go over the basic things you need, but it's way more than I could cover in a workshop - which is why I have a full course instead)

Extensive 1-on-1 support (although you can ask me questions and DM me privately within the student community)

Katie knows what she’s doing and is my go to person for quizzes! Highly recommended!

Susi Kaeufer
Business and Mindset Coach