Have you thought about creating a quiz for your business, but you're not sure what kind of quiz would work for your audience?

Eliminate the guesswork with the Find Your Quiz Idea Challenge.

You'll go from clueless about your quiz idea to confident that you have the right one that will speak to your ideal audience and grow your email list.

Just $27

PayPal payment option available

This challenge is evergreen, but is occasionally run live.

Here's a suggested schedule to follow if you'd like to complete the challenge in a week:

Monday: Find Your Quiz Type & Outcomes (Day 1 video)
Tuesday: Find Your Quiz Topic (Day 2 video)
Wednesday: Find Your Quiz Title (Day 3 video)
Thursday: Q&A Replay
Friday: Catchup and Next Steps

What you'll get:

3 video modules going indepth on the strategy behind your quiz idea

Fillable workbook to follow along

Action steps to complete each day

Supportive and interactive community

Bonus "Quiz Power Words" PDF to make your quiz title sparkle

Q&A replay from previous live challenge

Ability to join any future live rounds of this challenge for free

Lifetime access

Any updates or improvements

Hi, I'm Katie Hart.

I’ve loved quizzes as long as I can remember! I’ll admit there were more than a few quiz results posted on my MySpace page 15 years ago, and I was fascinated by the structure behind them. In addition to quiz strategy, I bring nearly two decades’ worth of personality study (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and more) to help you get to know potential clients and customers at a deeper level through your quiz. Let me show you how to amplify your business using quizzes!

Katie knows what she’s doing and is my go to person for quizzes! Highly recommended!

Susi Kaeufer
Business and Mindset Coach