Take this free quiz about quizzes (how meta) to learn which type of quiz would suit your business.
This is my free group where you can ask all your questions about Pinterest and quizzes, as well as connect with others!
Want to know how to use AI ethically to simplify the quiz building process? This 90-minute video training will help you take your ChatGPT quiz output from meh to better than you imagined.
In this 30-page PDF guide, you'll find out why you should create a Pinterest quiz funnel, how to structure a Pinterest quiz funnel, and more! Use these principles to plan out your own profitable sales funnel that includes an unforgettable quiz.
In this masterclass, you'll learn five "magic trick" strategies that will take your quizzes to the next level.
This 70-minute video training breaks down the benefits of creating a quiz and offers tips for integrating a quiz into your current or new business.
Join this evergreen quiz challenge (occasionally run live) to pick the perfect quiz idea for your business.
Want to know how to use AI to create content for your Pinterest account? Looking for tips and tricks to get the best output from ChatGPT? Then check out Pin With AI
Get audio insights for building your lead-generating quiz. An ongoing course that discusses the topics YOU want to know about.
This course helps you set up a voice clone to serve as your backup buddy for creating audio and video content. Free yourself from "good recording times" and ideal locations to create content anywhere, anytime!
Figure out if your business is ready for a quiz in 30 minutes or less. This short workshop comes with a workbook to help you go deeper into the 10 areas of readiness.
In today's fast-paced world, capturing your audience's attention is more important than ever. This guide will help you to transform ordinary quizzes into extraordinary experiences that deeply resonate.
Build your tech stack affordably with lifetime software deals. Use this guide to navigate the pitfalls and risks of LTDs, as well as their amazing benefits. Learn how to pick the LTDs that will last and protect yourself if they don't.
Explore numerous ways to infuse happiness into your business, benefiting both you and your clients.
In-depth program to take you from vague idea to finished quiz. Go at your own pace or jump into our occasional 3-4 week live rounds to build your quiz alongside other entrepreneurs.
A self-paced course about doing Pinterest in a fun, easy way that fits your personality, content output, and time availability.
Katie knows what she’s doing and is my go to person for quizzes! Highly recommended!
What if people couldn't wait to join your email list? I can build a custom, interactive quiz for your business that will increase your conversion rates and sales.
Need a quiz for your business fast but don't want to build it yourself? Quiz Pizzazz combines elements of done-with-you and done-for-you quiz creation services with the power of AI, to get your quiz built faster & better, at the fraction of the cost.
Are you tired of creating all this great content that hardly anyone sees? Hire me as your Pinterest manager and get your content onto a platform that will bring you traffic for months and years to come.
I’ve loved quizzes as long as I can remember! I’ll admit there were more than a few quiz results posted on my MySpace page 15 years ago, and I was fascinated by the structure behind them. In addition to quiz strategy, I bring nearly two decades’ worth of personality study (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and more) to help you get to know potential clients and customers at a deeper level through your quiz. Let me show you how to amplify your business using quizzes!